crazy colored glasses

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

RIP Harvey

Just days after "The Decision", it continued to be a tough time for Cleveland, as their own Harvey Pekar passed away last Monday. Pekar was a true titan of the comic world. His best known work is the autobiographical American Splendor. The series inspired a critically acclaimed film of the same name. Pekar believed comics could be as impactful as any other literary or visual form. His books were intimate and introspective. They were simply very honest portrayals of everyday life.

Here is American Splendor in the words of Pekar "It's an autobiography written as it's happening. The theme is about staying alive. Getting a job, finding a mate, having a place to live, finding a creative outlet. Life is a war of attrition. You have to stay active on all fronts. It's one thing after another. I've tried to control a chaotic universe. And it's a losing battle. But I can't let go. I've tried, but I can't."


Monday, July 19, 2010

Wonder Woman... New Costume

From ADW 60
I wanted to draw a picture for the cover of this very patriotic (not so much) issue of the Dubbs. I mean it’s the 4th of July issue (or a few days after). I thought about recycling the Captain America pic I drew and colored for my brother for Christmas. Than I thought of another character that is an icon of patriotism. I thought about Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman’s costume, originally created by the Amazons of Themyscyra, was supposed to gain her easy entry into the land of man (the Americas). Hence they emblazoned her outfit with stars and in the colors of the American flag. There she could learn their ways while teaching them the ways of the Amazons. Once here she fell in love with our land and decided to become the full-time ambassador to man’s world. She also decided to become an ass-kicking heroine.

Wonder Woman is hands down the most iconic (and best) female super hero ever created. She can go toe to toe physically with Superman while also being able to match mental wits with Batman.

While Wonder Woman has basically had the same costume for 70 years (save for some white jumpsuits in the 60’s and a hideous bra and biker short combo in the 90’s). The status quo changed last week when DC unveiled the brand new costume and direction for the character. I expressed my displeasure with the costume last week (this week, we have Madeline’s counterpoint). After hearing Madeline’s defense (and reading the actual comic where the new direction debuted) I decided I would be more open minded and give it a shot. I decided I would take an iconic Wonder Woman pose, and draw it, with her wearing the new costume. After I did that, I decided it wasn’t enough. I dropped it on the American flag background and colorized it. The final result lives on the cover of the Dubbs this week.

Wonder Woman can still be a patriotic, feminine icon while in black tights and a jacket. Maybe she doesn’t have to be in star spangled undies. While less patriotic than its predecessor, the costume is starting to grow on me. Save for the choker which I omitted from my rendering, I still think that blows.

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