Iron Fist
I've been drawing a little more over the past few months. What I haven't been doing is blogging about it. Working on a weekly magazine (and weekly newsletter) and also preparing for the baby boy hasn't left me with a lot of time to myself.
Iron Fist was a piece I drew about 2 months ago. I remember working on it during the final episode of ER.
Iron Fist had been getting a lot of pub and a relatively big following with his current title. Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction brilliantly write the comic with great moody pencils by David Aja. Iron Fist is a character I remember being a favorite of my Long Island brother. L.I. brother wasn't a huge comic fan, but he had a handful of favorite characters. Danny "Iron Fist" Rand was amongst them (Iron Man, Shang-Chi and Howard the Duck being a few others).
Iron Fist had been on my short list of characters for a while. I saw the stunning cover to an issue in the current series and knew I really wanted to take a stab at the piece. The pencils took me a little less than 30 minutes to do. The inks considerably longer because of the amounts of blacks. The original piece actually colored in the building as well, but after roughly taking an hour to inks I was a bit tired.
All in all, a nice stab at a character I had never attempted.