crazy colored glasses

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

25th Anniversary G.I. Joes (aka the new Top 10)

As I mentioned before, I had been working on a All-Time Top 10 G.I. Joe list. I had poured out all my old classic Joe's and had started to have my wife shoot these all. I had graphics ready and a whole list that I was working on, I had images all shot, and then these 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe's were released, and the whole list changed. These new figures were so much better than the originals (I know I'm going to be thrown out of Joe purists clubs, but whatever these figures are that good).

I think everything about these figures is superior to the originals. The articulation, coloring, accessories, sculpt... everything. These figures have an amazing amount of articulation for figures this small. Everything on these figures seems to have been thought out. Especially in the case of Snake Eyes. Holsters for the guns and knives. A cocked finger to put through the trigger on the gun. Sculpting around the collar on the neck of the figure. As an aside, anyone who is currently reading the Joe comics knows that this figure is almost picture perfect with the Snake Eyes that is currently depicted in those pages.

The box-set was beautifully produced as well. The packaging is great. The colors are bright and vibrant. The file cards are well written. It also includes a Joe logo that sings the theme song of the show (how awesome is that). And of course incredibly crafted figures. At the end of the day that is the allure for me. Perfectly made G.I. Joe figures. All in all a perfect set.



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