crazy colored glasses

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Comic Inconsistencies

One of the things that drives me absolutely mad are when comics are inconsistent with their continuity. After reading last weeks issues two issues really pissed me off.

First off was the Action Comics Annual. The first reason this comic pissed me off was because it was over a year late. This storyline started in November of 2006. The sixth part of the story just hit in May 0f 2008. Are you kidding me. 19 months to tell a 6 part story. Even I could beat that kind of schedule and I'm a pretty slow (and critical) artist. The second reason this story pissed me off was because it was so good. The story was amazing (the dialogue between Superman and Lex is classic—Geoff Johns continues to be the best superhero writer in comics today) the art was off the charts (I'm hard-pressed to find a better single Kubert issue) and the inking and coloring were top-notch. I think this story will be much better appreciated as a trade paperback where you don't have the constant anger of having to wait months before the next issue. The last and biggest reason this story upset me was the ending. When Christopher gets sucked back into the Phantom Zone. Are we supposed to believe that all those months of him running around with Lois and Clark happened before this story. Where do all of those stories fit? It just seemed very inconsistent.

My friends over at Marvel don't get off the hook though. In the latest issue of Mighty Avengers (which was brilliantly written and drawn by the team of Bendis and Maleev—I love those guys together) there is another huge inconsistency. Nick's agent is supposed to go around and recruit the kids from his caterpillar file. Who is one of the characters on the list? Layla Miller from X-Force. The same Layla Miller that was trapped in an alternate future (and has yet to return) in Messiah Complex. Am I to believe Secret Invasion which is being released almost 5 months after Messiah Complex takes place far before it... absolutely ridiculous.

As a comic fan story inconsistencies drive me up the wall. How hard can it be to ask your colleagues what they have going on. Doesn't seem like such a difficult task to me. Where are the editors on these books whose job it is to check these things. Come on big 2, I expect a lot better from you guys.



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