crazy colored glasses

Thursday, January 17, 2008

First New Art of 2008

It's been quite a while since I posted up any art. I had planned to put this piece up when I listed my Top 10 films of 2007, but never got around to finishing it. General busyness and a bit of lazyness led to the piece not being completed until last night. All of which meant that what was supposed to be my last piece of 2007 was officially now the first piece piece of 2008.

This piece is from the Frank Miller graphic novel 300 (which I named my favorite film of 2007). I wanted a piece that contained a picture of Leonidas as well as some of the other Spartans. I found that in this spread I recreated.

The pencilling took quite a bit of time. My guess would be close to 3 hours. The inking took me closer to 5 hours. Lots of detail and heavy shading. Once I got done with the inking (which I split over two nights) I added in some grays for depth (they are a little tough to see, but they are there on his face, cape and throughout the piece). This was the most time consuming piece I've worked on in some time (if not all time), but I think it was worth it. I love the piece almost as much as I loved the movie... SPARTANSSSSS....... AAAHHHHHHH-OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!

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