crazy colored glasses

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sensational Spider-Man Annual #1

While most everything thats been going on in the Marvel comics spider world I've thought has been rushed to coincide with the new god-awful movie, I discovered this annual. I dont remember the last time a real Marvel comics universe Spider-Man book has been this emotional and good. Usually the emotional aspect comes out in Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man. Which leaves the Marvel U Spidey with schlock like JMS's "The Other" storyline (might be the worst big storyarc of all time).

This annual written by Matt Fraction (who is brilliant, get this guy on a Spidey monthly ASAP) was very tenderly written. I always disagree with people who say you can't tell an emotional, real story with mainstream superheroes. Books like this prove them wrong. I know people who also hate MJ's marriage to Peter. Theyve felt it weighs him down too much. I think it opens up new world of stories to explore. How many other heroes who have had their identities revealed and are on the run from the law have a wife to worry about as well. Let me think... oh, thats right, none. Stories like this should be the norm as opposed to the exception with Peter.

Anyway, this story is a hidden masterpiece. The contrasting stories told from both of their perspectives, all while MJ is stalling for her hero to come to her rescue is nothing short of magical. I loved every page of this annual. Salvador Larocca's art fit this book perfectly as well. It used digital inking and coloring which gave the pages a softer almost water-color like effect (except for the Romita-esque flashback pages which were also beautifully rendered). This was one of the best Marvel comics I've read in 2007.



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