See it, hit it kinda guy?
During last nights edition of Baseball Tonight on ESPN host Karl Ravich was interviewing hitting phenom Jay Bruce of the Cincinnati Reds. During the interview Karl asked Jay if he would describe himself as a "See it, hit it kinda guy" to which a befuddled Jay laughed and said "I guess". I thought the question was ridiculous and comical. Aren't all baseball hitters "see it, hit it" players. Isn't that fundamentally what you are supposed to do in this game. Hit the ball thats thrown to you when you are standing there with the bat. I can't wait for Karl's next interview when he asks a pitcher "So, are you a throw the ball for strikes kinda pitcher". Thanks Karl.
Labels: Sports
i think he should ask giambi if he's an "envision it and grow it" kind of stache guy.
alec, at 10:03 AM
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