crazy colored glasses

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pumpkin pics

I had never carved a pumpkin before. This year, we didn't have Scrappy on Halloween, but we did have her on All Hallows Eve (um... the night before). We decided that would be a great night to try and carve up a pumpkin.

We didn't have a chance to go to the farmer's market, so I was stuck going to the local supermarket and fishing through the pumpkins they had there. Not only were they more expensive, I'm sure the selection wasn't nearly as great. I had Scrappy select the two that she thought would best work.

We then bought them home and had Scrappy go through the book of stencils and pick something she thought would be cool. Of course she picked something with a cat on it. My love then traced the stencils onto the pumpkins and handed me the carving tool. I had never done this before, but there I was tearing into this thing with my little Scrappy, while my love looked on and worked on the other pumpkin (which she free-handed... insanity... it looked amazing).

Here is a pic of that little work of art. Not the best pumpkin ever, but the first pumpkin I ever carved myself. I was pretty happy with it. I'm looking forward to more carving next year.



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