crazy colored glasses

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Super Family Illustrations pt. 3... Wonder Woman

Finally... Completion

After getting back from a nice weekend in San Diego (although there was no hot tub) we went back to the normal Tuesday routine of going to work, leaving early to get scrappy, getting scrappy home (doing homework, cooking, giving her a bath, watching Idol, reading a bedtime story and putting her to bed), then finally sitting down, popping open a Heineken and getting to work on my long delayed Nightwing, which I want to submit to one of my favorite websites for review.

I'll post about Nightwing tomorrow, but wanted to first post about the completeion of the super family. As I started the piece, I realized I had never, ever drawn Wonder Woman (at least that I could remember). So not only was this the completion of the Super Family , but it was a monumental first ever WW drawing. I probably should have tried something a little easier than a classic Wonder Woman cover from Identity Crisis, but I liked the look of it and thought it would fit perfectly with the other two family images. Plus, it fit the criteria of being a Michael Turner cover.

It took about about an hour to do the pencils, and then about 3-4 hours to do all the inking and shading. All in all I think its one of the best ever pieces I've done. The black background really amped up the drama of the illustration. Then going back in and adding additional shading with pencil helped add some depth to the piece. Truly one of the best pieces of my life.



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