crazy colored glasses

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Books I Like

So I've written a few "Books We Like" columns for ADW. The section should really be called "Books I Like" as I'm the only person who has reviewed a book so far. I'll be posting a few of these small book reviews over the next few days.

The Yankee Years by Tom Verducci and Joe Torre
A wonderful account of Joe Torre’s dozen years at the helm of the New York Yankees. At heart, the book is about trust and what happens when that trust is broken. Games are recounted in great detail, but the passages I was most drawn to were those on the human elements of the player’s ego and Torre’s deft handling of often explosive situations. The book also offers a rare and unprecendented look into not only the club house (Cone, Jeter, Giambi and Pettitte are some of the current players who speak on the record), but also to the front office (and the changing face of statistical analysis) of the Yankees. This book is a great read for both sports and non-sports fan alike.

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